Helene Recovery: McDowell County Travel and Safety Updates
With challenging terrains and epic views, McDowell County is quickly becoming known as a home to some of the best runn…
This time of year is an outdoor lover’s dream as the colorful leaves disappear in favor of snow. McDowell County in par…
Experience the magic of a sparkling menagerie sculpted from cold, clear ice at the Paddy's Creek Recreational Area for …
In a post-Helene North Carolina, the trails look a little different this year. However, we're called "The Gr…
VolunTourism in McDowell CountyBy Kimberly ButtonTravelers to western North Carolina are seeking an opportunity to shar…
McDowell County and our Western North Carolina neighbors have faced unprecedented levels of damage and impact from Hurr…
information on different mushrooms and fungi to be found in McDowell County, North Carolina
Old Fort is quickly becoming known as one of the best mountain biking destinations in the country. In fact, Outside Mag…
The hills are alive with the sounds of traditional Appalachian and bluegrass tunes, as well as blues, rock n’ roll, and…
May 19th-25th, 2024 marks National Travel and Tourism Week across the United States. It's a great way to recogniz…
With challenging terrains and epic views, McDowell County is quickly becoming known as a home to some of the best runni…
Mountain Biking and Cycling Adventures in McDowell Countyby Kimberly ButtonWith more than 70,000 acres of Pisgah Nation…
As the days get warmer and longer in McDowell County, locals love to lift up this wonderful time of year with celebrati…
Trail of the Month: The Peavine TrailWhile McDowell County is known for its growing network of exciting trails through …
Plan a cozy wintertime getaway in Pisgah National Forest surrounding McDowell County. This roundup has plenty of ideas …
As part of our 2024 outdoor initiatives, we want to encourage all visitors to explore our beautiful outdoor spaces and …