Linville Falls
Linville Falls is one of the most photographed and popular waterfalls along the Blue Ridge Parkway. This amazing three-tiered waterfall is accessed from Milepost 316.3. There are a variety of ways to view the waterfall.
Erwins View Trail, a moderate walk of 1.6 miles round trip, featuring four overlooks. The first overlook is one-half mile from the visitor center and is a moderate walk. From this point, the Linville River spills over the upper falls where it widens and pauses, spiraling out of sight before plunging 45 feet over the lower falls.
Chimney View, from the visitor center, walk .07 mile, where the lower falls can be seen. Be sure you have the camera open, this is an excellent spot for photos. The trail is strenuous in this area with considerable elevation gain.
At Gorge View Overlook, hikers can see the Linville River cutting its way through the Linville Gorge Wilderness Area. You may have heard Linville Gorge referred to as the "Grand Canyon of the South" and for good reason!
The Erwins View Trail ends at Erwins View Overlook, it's 0.8 mile from the visitor center. This panoramic view of the upper and lower falls is another amazing spot for pictures.
The trails to Linville Gorge (1.4 miles round trip) and to Plunge Basin (1-mile round trip) also start at the visitor center. From the visitor center, be certain to pick up maps before heading into the gorge.
The right fork takes hikers to Plunge Basin Overlook where they can view the lower falls and the Chimneys. The left fork winds down through rock cliffs to the bottom of the falls where the force of the water cascading over the falls creates a large pool. Both of these trails are strenuous. Swimming and climbing on the rocks are prohibited. Last, when preparing for these hikes, please pack out everything you packed in. Call (828) 652-2144 with questions concerning visitor center hours and trail conditions, closures, etc.